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Multi- Surface Cleaner

Manufactured through advanced electrolysis of plain salt water, NATURA MIST SPRAY® harnesses the power of Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl), an Eco-Friendly and Powerful Cleaners and Deodorizer for residential, commercial, and food service applications. NATURA MIST SPRAY® delivers effective cleaning action without staining, fading, or burning any surface while remaining safe for direct skin contact

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3 products


Multi-Surface Cleaner (Spray)Multi-Surface Cleaner (Spray)
Multi-Surface Cleaner (Spray+Refill)Multi-Surface Cleaner (Spray+Refill)
Multi-Surface Cleaner (Refill bag)Multi-Surface Cleaner (Refill bag)


Experience the ultimate solution for Non-Toxic Cleaning Products with NATURA MIST SPRAY®. Our Hypochlorous Acid Spray, ensures an Eco-Friendly & Powerful Cleaning experience. NATURA MIST SPRAY® can be used safely on porous and non-porous surfaces, including fabrics and carpets, leaving Non-Toxic residues compared to harsh chemicals in conventional products. Your home is your sanctuary, and you should always use Non-Toxic Cleaning Products and avoid harmful chemicals during your cleaning routine to maintain a healthy home. Embrace the power of a new generation of Non-Toxic Cleaning Products, that can neutralize chemicals, bad odors and other contaminants. We're dedicated to providing Eco-friendly & Powerful Cleaners to individuals concerned about the toxins in their indoor environment. 

Are you tired of the headaches, allergies, and respiratory problems caused by commercial cleaners packed with toxins and harsh chemicals?  Switch to NATURA MIST SPRAY® Multi-Surface Cleaner our Non Toxic Cleaning Product that can transform your home into a healthier and toxin-free space. Ditch harmful ingredients in your existing arsenal and choose to elevate your cleaning experience into a natural and effective routine. Our secret weapon? Our proprietary Hypochlorous Acid formula is carefully crafted from the advanced electrolysis of pure salt water, generating bleach-free Non-Toxic Cleaning Products that are safe for you and the environment. Say goodbye to irritants and embrace a healthier home with NATURA MIST SPRAY® your best Non-Toxic Cleaning Product. 

Uses: Toilet Cleaner, Tile Cleaner, Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner, Granite Cleaner, Bathroom Sink  and Tub Cleaner,  Kitchen Sink & Drain Cleaner, Rug & Carpet Cleaner, High Chair Cleaner, Toy Cleaner, Door handle Cleaner, Fabric Cleaner & Deodorizer.